Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Maxi Skirt, Part I

I would say that maxi skirts are among the most difficult pieces of clothing to wear WELL. Why? Because it's much easier to look good in something when it's tighter, shorter, less colorful. When you have more cloth to work with, you have to think of ways to bring it all together with the rest of your outfit. Hence the purpose of the following couple of posts, to teach yall, our lovely followers, how to wear the maxi skirt WELL. Let us begin with some examples of trend number one:

The Maxi Skirt with Leather Jackets

Can you say "adorable"? Notice how she wears the skirt: It's very colorful, so she plays the rest of her outfit down with simple pieces that still bring out the color of the skirt. Her boots make this outfit perfect for a cold fall day. But say it's summer and scorchingly hot - replace the boots with sandals, and take off the leather jacket! It's a perfectly versatile outfit.

Here is an example of a dress that can be doubled as a maxi skirt. If you have a dress that is very formal, you can always cover the top part up by wearing a long shirt, so that all that appears is the bottom half of your dress. Don't keep your beautiful pieces hidden up because you think they're too formal. You also may want to try what this girl has, by rocking a leather jacket over a pretty flowing dress/maxi skirt.

Beautiful minimalist outfit. The addition of the boots and leather jacket give it a rocker look!

Don't be afraid of wearing leather in different ways. Trench leather is all the rave these days!

Another example of formal flowy skirt material rocked out with a beautiful long leather jacket. The key to maxi skirts if you don't have a perfectly slim body is to wear a long coat with them, or conversely a longer shirt!

And here you have trend number 1! Coming up you'll see other ways to wear the maxi skirt, along with tips on how to work it WELL!

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